Electric Car Count

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Tracking who sells what

The tools below allow you to explore the share of the new car market. Select a month using the drop-down menu to view information about newly registered cars in that month. Brands with less than 1% share of the market are grouped into ‘Other’.

On the left, the pie chart breaks down new registrations by fuel type. The inner pie shows the percentage of newly registered cars that were petrol, diesel, hybrid or pure electric in the selected month. Click on a fuel type in the inner pie to see the manufacturers whose vehicles make up that segment of the market.

On the right, the pie chart breaks down new registrations by manufacturer. The inner pie shows each manufacturer’s share of the market. Click on a manufacturer’s name in the inner pie to see the proportion of their new cars that were petrol, diesel, hybrid, or pure electric in the selected month.

Measuring market growth

The charts below track the growth of electric cars, showing cumulative electric car registrations and the share of monthly new registrations of cars that are fully electric.

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How we did it…

We used data from a variety of sources to create this data tool. We’re constantly working to improve it, and would love to hear your views - email us on data@newautomotive.org.


In general, whenever we refer to ‘EVs’ or ‘electric vehicles’, we mean purely electric vehicles, not hybrids. This dataset focusses on cars - to see data on electric vans, click here.

Data requests

If you would like access to the data we’ve used to make this, or to find out more about how we did it, we’d love to hear from you. Please get in touch using a form on our Data and Licensing page.


All Electric Car Count content - including charts and releases - is copyrighted under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). For more information, see the Data and Licensing page.


Data sources

We obtained the data from the DVLA’s vehicle enquiry service API, and the DVSA’s MOT history API. These APIs provide access to the vehicle licensing database, which is the record of all licensed vehicles in the UK. The database is updated in near real time, and we refresh our data monthly to obtain the previous months’ new registrations. The data we display covers all cars with a standard form GB and Northern Irish vehicle registration mark (VRM), but does not capture any vehicles with personalised or non-standard new VRMs, meaning there may appear to be slight discrepancies with other similar data series. Our charts include all cars, as defined as type M1 vehicles.

Our data now includes registrations taking place in Northern Ireland.

Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database rights 2021
Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database rights 2021
Contains National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database rights 2021
Contains OpenDataNI data provided under UK Open Government License

We are grateful to doogal.co.uk for making available much of the data we have used to create this resource.

For a full explanation of how we generate our regional statistics, read our blog explaining how we did it.