The Electric Car Count API

The most up-to-date solution to finding and analysing data on the UK new car market.

Instant access to the car market

The ECC API provides instant and unlimited access to UK new car registrations, updated monthly - providing strategic insights on demand.

Data breakdown by fuel type and more

We are uniquely positioned to give you an enhanced level of insight into the UK’s automotive market.

An evolving database of major OEMs

By combining machine learning with expert understanding of the automotive market - the API features over 55 manufacturers, including all major brands.

Get started with our API

Strategic insights on your terms

The Electric Car Count API provides instant and unlimited access to UK new car registrations - providing strategic insights on demand.

The API is a RESTful service which returns monthly total new car registrations broken down by categories specified in the API call. The response is in JSON format. 

This allows you to tailor and automate the data to suit your needs, with real-time monthly updates which enable you to leverage data to your advantage.

Industry-leading data segmentation

We are uniquely positioned to provide data on new car registrations broken down by fuel type. The only parameter required to begin a query is the ‘Region’ - providing optimal flexibility.

Queries may be carried out through DVLA regions, combinations of regions, or nationally. The API categorises over 55 OEMs and all major brands - with 6 fuel types including BEV and Hybrid.

For more information about dataset, see our blog post explaining how we map new registrations.

Verified and trusted data

By combining machine learning with expert understanding of the automotive market, the capability of this tool is always expanding to provide ongoing resilience.

Our data is sourced from the vehicle licensing database, which is the record of all licensed vehicles in the UK. We refresh our data monthly to obtain the previous months’ new registrations. The data we display covers all cars with a standard form GB and Northern Irish vehicle registration mark (VRM).

The Electric Car Count API