Registrations by Fuel Type
Headline Target: No sales of vehicles producing CO2 by 2035 (EU phase-out)
Car Manufacturing Country: Velmet AutoMotive.
Purchase Incentives for Cars: Registration tax exemption. Exclusive incentives: company car tax deductions.
Supplier Regulation Policy: EU emissions performance standard (Tightening CO2 regime)
Infrastructure Incentives: None
The Finnish government has a raft of policies which supports the uptake of EVs in the country including 0% import tax, lowest annual vehicle tax, and lower BeThe Finnish government has a raft of policies which supports the uptake of EVs in the country including 0% import tax, lowest annual vehicle tax, and lower Benefit-in-Kind taxation rates. However, they no longer offer cash incentives for switching, which they ended in April 2023.
EV infrastructure has long been subsidised by the Finnish government however this has been ended. The subsidy had meant that the Finnish government paid for 30 to 35% of the installation costs. This will need to be monitored to see whether it affects the rate of installations occurring in the country,or whether the industry will be able to sustain the levels of growth.
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