Registrations by Fuel Type
Headline Target: No sales of vehicles producing CO2 by 2035 (EU phase-out)
Car Manufacturing Country: Stellantis, Bugatti Rimac, Ineos, Renault Group, Toyota.
Purchase Incentives for Cars: Ecological purchase bonus, Mass-based malus exemption, registration tax exemption. Exclusive incentives: means tested purchase grant, social leasing scheme, company car tax exemption.
Supplier Regulation Policy: EU emissions performance standard (Tightening CO2 regime)
Infrastructure Incentives: None
France’s transition has been strong from the start, however 2024 was a particularly tough year for the market as EV registrations stagnate.
France has a raft of demand-boosting policies - including a focus on lower earners to create a wider market and a more equitable transition. However, these schemes such as their feebate scheme are set to see reductions in the number of EVs that will be eligible. France has also taken the stance that Chinese EV imports pose a risk to European manufacturers, and have introduced caveats to their feebate scheme that essentially excludes cars manufactured in China.
France is still one of the leading countries in the EU in terms of volume and market share and the government has previously shown agility in ensuring market share of EVs is not lost, 2025 will be a crucial year for EVs in France.
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