Registrations by Fuel Type
Headline Target: COP26 Zero Emission Vehicles Declaration 2040 ICE ban pledge
Car Manufacturing Country: Ford, BMW, General Motors, Audi, Giant Motors, Toyota, Honda, Hyundai, Kia.
Purchase Incentives for Cars: Income tax deductions, registration tax exemption, and environmental verification tax exemption, import tariff exemption for new vehicles and import tariff reduction for used vehicles.
Supplier Regulation Policy: Emissions performance standard (sporadically tightened CO2 regime)
EV sales in Mexico have seen little change. Despite this Mexico’s EV manufacturing is going from strength to strength, becoming an EV manufacturing hub.
Mexico is a large car manufacturer, but exports the vast majority, with many destined for the USA. Cheap labour and resources have been cited as the main reasons for its success, along with the government now prioritising investment in this sector, something which was not being done just a few years ago. With its manufacturing future seemingly secured the government needs to step up measures to help uptake in the country itself, so that people can benefit from the technology they are now helping to build.
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