Registrations by Fuel Type
Headline Target: No country wide bans or targets
Car Manufacturing Country: No passenger car manufacturing.
Purchase Incentives for Cars: None
Supplier Regulation Policy: Emissions performance standard
Infrastructure Incentives: None
New Zealand had made good progress on electrifying passenger vehicles, with a feebate scheme which gave those motorists purchasing zero emissions vehicles a rebate on their purchase on both new and second hand vehicles which account for roughly equal proportions of cars entering the country.
However, the successful feebate scheme was ended by a new government at the start of 2024 with no replacement meaning New Zealand has no incentives for EVs. This has had a significant impact on sales with a sharp decrease in market share for new vehicles. Additionally a road user tax was introduced for BEVs only, seeing them pay on average more tax than the average ICE vehicle. As more countries adopt incentives, it is likely that New Zealand will see continued slow demand and supply until it changes course.
Latest 12-Month Period (vs Preceding 12-Month Period)
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Top 10 BEV Manufacturers by Current 12-Month Period Sales
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Latest Month (vs Same Month in Previous Year)
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