Notes from New AutoMotive

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New AutoMotive Blog, Hybrids, Predictions Harry Benham New AutoMotive Blog, Hybrids, Predictions Harry Benham

Hybrids: Climate Delay via a Dead-End Technology

‘Discourses of climate delay’ pervade current debates on climate action. These discourses accept the existence of climate change, but justify inaction or inadequate efforts. In contemporary discussions on what actions should be taken, by whom and how fast, proponents of climate delay would argue for minimal action or action taken by others.

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Still thinking of ‘Geoff’ when you hear ‘EV’?

With just two seats (garden chairs), a top speed of 15.4 mph (slower with the lights on), and a range of just 20 miles, Geoff was a somewhat trailblazing electric car built in 2009 on the BBC’s Top Gear in an attempt to create an electric car that was better than the Riva G-Wiz. But not all electric cars are like Geoff, and people might be surprised at how far you can go on a single charge.

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Going electric: a solution to range anxiety?

It turns out that a switch to electric vehicles may be the best way to avoid range anxiety in your car. The current fuel panic gripping the UK highlights a wider truth about human behaviour, and the reality of range anxiety - it also highlights the fragility of the fossil fuel infrastructure we rely on, and the new, much more resilient alternative of electric cars.

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New AutoMotive Blog, Predictions, EV Sales Harry Benham New AutoMotive Blog, Predictions, EV Sales Harry Benham

“You cannot displace horses” - History’s guide to the future of EVs.

As we debate the fine details of the transport transition from internal combustion engines (ICE) to EVs, it is useful to stand back and see if the switch is falling into a predictable pattern, or if history is this time a false steer. Sales of Model T Fords (from 1908 - 1916) and Teslas (from 2012- 2020), in fact do follow an absolute trend that indicates history providing a clue.

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Mapping new car registrations in the UK: our approach

The Electric Car Count is a tool and data series that gives people information about the UK car market on a monthly basis. We were delighted to see it featured in the Times and the Guardian last month. If you haven’t yet explored the interactive tool, take a look and let us know what you think.

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New AutoMotive Blog, Predictions, China Harry Benham New AutoMotive Blog, Predictions, China Harry Benham

China Plug-in sales reach 10% but that’s not the main story

Plug-in car sales in China breached the magical threshold of 10% market share in April 2021, but that is not the main story. Why? - because EV sales in China have been on the up for several years. No, the real story is three other factors, and they point possibly to a very large shift in the world of automobiles.

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The secret EV agenda revealed

In an alternative imagined world where CO2 was a benign molecule that did no harm, there is a fundamental question to ask – would electric vehicles still be a better choice than internal combustion engine or hybrid-fossil fuel cars for transport? The answer may surprise you - as EVs provide numerous benefits beyond their environmental credentials (which should still not be overlooked).

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The race for EV market share is under way

Last year, the UK government fired the starting gun on the biggest race in the history of the car industry. By 2030, all new cars sold in the UK must either be fully electric, or a hybrid that is able to travel a significant distance with zero emissions. As the battle lines get drawn, and the leaders emerge - the eventual winner is still not obvious, but some observations can be drawn.

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New AutoMotive Blog, Data Ben Nelmes New AutoMotive Blog, Data Ben Nelmes

The mysterious rise in re-used reg numbers

How much do people care about their car’s number plate? Is one generation of people more likely than others to see their registration number as a fashion accessory? This is the story of a mystery that emerged during analysis of big data about UK vehicles. At New AutoMotive, we’re using data about every private registered vehicle to track the UK’s progress switching to electric vehicles and zero emissions road transport.

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Diesel’s Deceptive Demise

The fall in demand for diesel has been driven by tightening emissions standards, the introduction of clean air zones (most notably the ultra-low emissions zone in London), changing public attitudes towards air pollution, as well as the increasing affordability and range of EV models. Does this mean diesel over and done, however? Don’t be so sure.

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