Notes from New AutoMotive

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Motorcycles, Predictions, Data Oleg Korolov Motorcycles, Predictions, Data Oleg Korolov

Is the electric motorcycle market about to take off?

Although companies like Zero are still going, and indeed carving out a sizable niche in the realm of EV motorcycles, there are around 1.2 million motorcycles on our roads, and as of the end of 2020, just 0.4% of them were electric.

This could lead one to the conclusion that electric motorcycles are a failure, a niche toy. But don’t be mistaken, the motorcycle market saw its highest electric market share last month.

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Data, Predictions, Consumers Oleg Korolov Data, Predictions, Consumers Oleg Korolov

Just a fad

In a world where 51% of any given group is required to initiate change - we are still a long way away from EVs being the default perception of the automobile. With a current total market share of just 1.1% EV, is the “electric revolution” just a techy fad?

At New AutoMotive, we would like to reframe this narrative.

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Data, Predictions, Policy Ciara Cook Data, Predictions, Policy Ciara Cook

Will 2022 drive the electric revolution?

2021 has been a watershed moment for EV vehicles, not just in the UK but globally too. Approximately 11.65% of the new car market were EVs.

Due to how fast this sector is developing it is hard to highlight exactly where we will be in 12 months time - but this should be seen as a positive. 2022 will need to not only replicate 2021, but we will need to see a quickening of sales, manufacturing announcements, infrastructure development and other supporting policies to ensure we build on, and accelerate from the progress made last year.

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Data, Predictions, Technology Harry Benham Data, Predictions, Technology Harry Benham

The future of the ICE Car Manufacturer - Valley of Death or Market Domination?

A chart on twitter has divided opinion on how the EV adoption will occur and what it will mean for incumbent manufacturers and new entrants into the automotive market.

It is provocatively labelled the ‘Valley of Death’ for traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) manufacturers who cling too long to their preferred technology, even as EVs start to dominate new sales in key markets such as China, Europe – and now the US.

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Data, Predictions, Technology Harry Benham Data, Predictions, Technology Harry Benham

The UK Transport Sector and the Kaya Identity: How a maths equation can help your life

Mass electrification of transport, much as mass electrification of lighting, is a signal of energy progress – from the inefficient burning of fuels to the more efficient, cheaper and cleaner use of electricity.

It is analogous to the shift from candles and gas lamps to the incandescent light bulb, and now LEDs. 

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New AutoMotive Blog, Hybrids, Predictions Harry Benham New AutoMotive Blog, Hybrids, Predictions Harry Benham

Hybrids: Climate Delay via a Dead-End Technology

‘Discourses of climate delay’ pervade current debates on climate action. These discourses accept the existence of climate change, but justify inaction or inadequate efforts. In contemporary discussions on what actions should be taken, by whom and how fast, proponents of climate delay would argue for minimal action or action taken by others.

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New AutoMotive Blog, Predictions, EV Sales Harry Benham New AutoMotive Blog, Predictions, EV Sales Harry Benham

“You cannot displace horses” - History’s guide to the future of EVs.

As we debate the fine details of the transport transition from internal combustion engines (ICE) to EVs, it is useful to stand back and see if the switch is falling into a predictable pattern, or if history is this time a false steer. Sales of Model T Fords (from 1908 - 1916) and Teslas (from 2012- 2020), in fact do follow an absolute trend that indicates history providing a clue.

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New AutoMotive Blog, Predictions, China Harry Benham New AutoMotive Blog, Predictions, China Harry Benham

China Plug-in sales reach 10% but that’s not the main story

Plug-in car sales in China breached the magical threshold of 10% market share in April 2021, but that is not the main story. Why? - because EV sales in China have been on the up for several years. No, the real story is three other factors, and they point possibly to a very large shift in the world of automobiles.

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The secret EV agenda revealed

In an alternative imagined world where CO2 was a benign molecule that did no harm, there is a fundamental question to ask – would electric vehicles still be a better choice than internal combustion engine or hybrid-fossil fuel cars for transport? The answer may surprise you - as EVs provide numerous benefits beyond their environmental credentials (which should still not be overlooked).

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ICE Phase Out, Predictions Harry Benham ICE Phase Out, Predictions Harry Benham

The ICE phase out: a Goldilocks moment

The UK government has chosen to announce the phase out of sales of petrol and diesel cars at just the right time. We are at a Goldilocks moment: just when EVs are becoming affordable, but before they become so cheap that we remain stuck in the past with the sharply declining technology of combustion engines. What does this mean for drivers?

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